WestSideJhitt Unleashes Two Fiery Singles in “Martin and Gina” and “Violent”


Palm Beach has another star rising the ranks of its talent-filled class of artists, and his name is WestSideJhitt. The 18-year-old Delray Beach representer splashes onto our pages with a duo of singles that’re sure to make you a fan.

The most popular of the two records comes in the form of “Martin and Gina,” a bubbly, romance-driven record inspired by Martin Lawrence’s famed tv show. Backed by a piano-laden instrumental that was also crafted by Jhitt, he delivers an ultra-catchy hook along with some sharp verses that piece together for quite a memorable cut.

The second record, “Violent,” shows a different, more aggressive side of Jhitt. He delivers some melodic raps and rhymes laced with another infectious hook, all adding up to another big-time record that’s sure to earn him some new fans.

Listen below and enjoy.


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