Who Put The Perc In The Figgy Pudding?


The weekend is a completely different animal now that I have this “corporate” schedule. I don’t want to spend my free time catching up with others who have no matter in my life. That’s no disrespect, but let’s just be honest with ourselves. When we’re away from our responsibilities we want just the opposite and that is my torch, rig, and copious amounts of fresh sauce. The people of this earth need some fresh tuneage and we are here to provide so I’m gonna keep it brief and we’ll talk some more shit soon.

Lil Dude – GTF

Lil Dude is a true piece of the DMV’s foundation and this time around he pairs with Spencer for this ominous production. “GTF” is atop that gutter percussive elements the world knows and loves in 2021. With expensive linens and a cup in hand, Lil Dude wins you over within the first 10 seconds. Spencer is really too nice on the boards too, so don’t sleep on this one above.

Boris The Lucid – Either Way You Hear It

Boris is a new great coming out of Virginia. His sounds of auditory bliss surround you when you step into his canvas. This one is directed by Boris and Jreina, and it plays on lighting, framing and some other impressive cinematic elements. For an artist of the new generation to be able to garner this type of sound and wave is impressive. Just because the world doesn’t know him yet doesn’t mean he’s not one of the most unique up and comers. Boris is just that, quite Lucid and his music sounds like a dream every time.

Lucki & F1lthy – UGK

The best rapper pairs with one of the best modern producers and they bring out greatness. Lucki has been speaking to the darkness in me for 6 years now and this is where he’s going to gain notoriety. Those who know, know and it doesn’t have to be explained. Tune is the best and will continue to push the envelope.

Green Tea – Honeyboys

This was sent by a bro of mine and I was thoroughly impressed from the start. The Honeyboys are a clean-cut group of musicians coming out of San Luis Opsibo, California. Nick, Reese, Grady and Matt are a part of this new generation that has the undeniable skill and a true passion for music. The sound is precise and gentle all while showing the world the ceiling for a group like this is practically nonexistent. “Green Tea” is a great cut for that chilly Sunday morning and the rest of the week alike.

Elizabeth DeVasto – Toxic

Elizabeth DeVasto can sing her ass off and it’s only a matter of time until the world recognizes this as well. “Toxic” will have you hating how much you’re thinking about that bum ass ex. Her sound is powerful and incredibly developed for such an early piece of this woman’s career. This one could be huge and with the strokes of her deadly pen, each line sinks harder into the reality of past heartbreaks. Don’t forget to capitalize that V in DeVasto, because this wave is VERY fucking good.


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