2219 Lee Flys High In New Video “HAKEEM”


If I’m being honest, we were outside all week and there’s no better track to describe the feeling than 2219 Lee’s newest jam “HAKEEM” featuring Mali Smith and Cash Cobain

The song is accompanied by a low lit, fast paced video shot by Al20Cal. The group shots and group sung choruses give off that “mob” feel that you get when you listen to jams like “Bobby Bitch” from Bobby Shmurda. I’m not sure where 2219 is from but if I had to take a wild guess I’d put all my money on Harlem based on his ability to maintain energy in the track without being overly loud. His delivery is smooth and powerful, like that of the late Pop Smoke whose voice was nothing that we heard before.

If you and the bros are on demon time running around the city, make sure you play this one on Youtube with your phone open in the whip because that’s the type time I’m gonna be on EVERY TIME I hear “HAKEEM”. 


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