whiterosemoxie and midwxst Get The Hivemind Treatment For Their Smash “Itachi”


moxie and midwxst are two artists who are going to be around for a long time. Their ingenuity when it comes to their music is unmatched and they want to work with those who are just as creative. This is where Hivemind comes in and dots some t’s and crosses i’s. Yes, I said that correctly because when you’re dealing with a brain trust like this, all that is conventional is thrown out the window.

“Itachi” is a modern smash that utilizes rage-like synthetics and a tempo that will force you to move around. moxie starts things off and midwxst comes through to finish the canvas. Grant, Alex and Riley put their everything into these frames time in and time out. Turning whatever setting they choose into something that it’s not, always seems to be the mission, but with each video’s release, you can see an abundance of growth from the directorial positions. You can also tell that they truly want to shine the correct light on these artists, but want to work with those who make sense within their realm. With that being said, I would love an EST Gee video shot by the Hivemind bros, but anything can happen and I hope it’s already in the works.

moxie and midwxst are a duo we didn’t know we needed until now. Hopefully, they drop some more collabs in the future but until the next stream the gas below.



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