BIGBABYGUCCI’s New Album “IRIDESENSE” Is Classic Southern Heat


Well well well, it’s January, and what better way to start off the year with some new heat from BIGBABYGUCCI. North Carolina’s best rapper never seems to miss, and the proof is here with his latest project, titled IRIDESENSE.

Last year’s “1 NIGHT I TOOK ACID” was one of our favorite projects of 2021, and GUCCI latest lives up to the high standards he’s set for himself. If the the one-two punch of “Fell Out The Sky” and “Robocop” doesn’t grab you, you clearly don’t have a pulse. “Lake Minnetonka” keeps that manic energy going until things chill out with “Attachment” and “Late Night Lovers,” two of the record’s subtler tracks. The trifecta of “Jump,” “Take Time” and “Christina Milan” closes things out, bringing closure to what’s been an incredible run of albums (so far…).

At this point, the man seems utterly unstoppable: this is his fourth full-length project in a little under the year, and he shows no signs of slowing down. GUCCI has always been prolific, but lately he’s been on his shit like never before. 2022 is his year, no doubt.

What you waiting for!! Stream BIGBABYGUCCI‘s latest project IRIDESENSE on SoundCloud down below.


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