An Exclusive Chiefers Q&A With Wolfacejoeyy


I had a chance to interview one of my favorite up-and-coming artists wolfacejoeyy. Seeing his growth as a musician made it only right to interview him and his current success as well as his personal life. Take some time to get to know a rising star, redefining how music should sound in 2023.

EY: Who is wolfacejoeyy for those who don’t know? What should everybody know about you?

Joeyy: I’m just some kid from Staten Island who loves to make music for real. Nun too crazy 

EY: I love that. Always good to have a love for it. What was it like growing up in Staten Island? Did living in Staten Island have any influence on the current success of your music?

Joeyy: It’s pretty normal. It really depends on where you stay on the island. Every experience is unique but we can all universally agree that it sucks over here but we thrive anyway. And to be honest Staten Island has an issue with supporting their own artist because a lot of the rapper who came out of here end up fucking up their careers and never unlock their full potential. So In a way Staten Island did influenced me to NOT be like that and stay in my lane & to Cut all the bs aside and stay focused

EY: Growing up, did you always want to make music? What age did you start making music and what was your first song?

Joeyy: I always knew I was gonna do something music related but I never knew I was be a full-blown artist. I always wanted to be in the background because I was very shy in Highschool and I just wanted to stay away from the spotlight but in like 2019 I had met a producer and he put me in this Group chat with other artists and producers like Faygo, Dom, Bryceuknwn, and y2tnb who are all my homies now and they were the ones who encouraged me to try rapping. And I forgot what the name of my first song was but I remember it being so bad I had to delete it 

EY: Getting to talk to these artists must’ve been an exciting moment in the beginning of your career, are you still working with these producers and artists? What was it like seeing Faygo rise up to the mainstream in 2019?

Joeyy: Yea I still work with Bryce and y2 a lot those are my brothers fr. I haven’t really worked with Faygo since 2019 but I still talk to him we be playing cod sometimes too and seeing him, Dom, slump, xhulooo and everyone else in that group chat go up is inspiring as fuck.

EY: Knowing that the pandemic really started in early 2020, would you say that isolation helped you in your music career or how did that affect you?

Joeyy: 100% it helped me really focus on what I had going on. It made me realize my interests and taste in certain things not only just music like fashion, food and Color palettes and women. I think it for sure a blessing to have found a time like that to make music

EY: I think 2020 was a big year for music and for self-discovery for most. With that being said, were there any downsides from the pandemic for you?

Joeyy: Yea definitely but I feel it was definitely necessary for me to get to where I’m at right now

EY: What are some of your influences when it comes to music? Anybody you specifically grew up listening to that helped you find out what music you’d want to make?

Joeyy: Growing up I listened to a lot of Lil Wayne and Eminem because of my cousins. I was into a lot of weird shit when I was 12-13 like EDM and A bunch of alternative stuff because of the FIFA games.  Tyler the Creator is definitely my biggest influence tho. The way he is dedicated to his craft is something I absolutely admire. Travis Kendrick and Drake are my fav mainstream artists as of right now. They really influenced a lot of the music I make/listen to.

EY: The FIFA soundtracks were always elite and a great mix of mainstream artists too. Being an artist, do you get self-conscious about your music? If so, how do you overcome those thoughts that take over? If not, what helped you get to that point?

Joeyy: Hell yea I get in my thoughts a lot. But I have to remember who I do this for. My fans and most importantly MYSELF!

EY: I love that. I tend to see people in the music change themselves for the wrong reasons sometimes. You just recently released a single titled “soho.” What’s the backstory of this song? What was the creative process behind the music video that accompanied with the single? 

Joeyy: I really just wanted to make a jersey club that I think would resonate with girls who are into fashion and kinda mix that with my real life relationship status which is like… all over the place over a jersey club beat. And with the video I came up with the Idea of the video and Tycho just brings every idea I have to life. I love working with him. We click all the time.

EY: Top three artists you’d want to collaborate with and why?

Joeyy: Definitely Tyler bc he’s my favorite artist of all time  Jaydes. I think he’s super talented and we would make some crazy shit  Baby Keem. I feel like me and him could make some wacky ass song that’ll go so crazy.

EY: I know you’re managed by both Joey and Whitecollarwill, how did you meet these guys and what’s something these guys have brought to the table for you?

Joeyy: I met Will in 2020 he was just a listener at first but I had seen his art and started tuning in to his art and he had made a couple covers for me and just slowly evolved into managing artists and he asked me one day and I was like hell yea. I met Joey early this year too. He was just willing to help and he just believed in what I had going on with the little numbers I had at the time. Plus he got extra points from me because we have the same name. And they let me steer the ship. They both trust my vision and ideas and they help me in their own ways. Joey helps a lot with the industry stuff and me and will collaborate on the creative side

EY: The dynamic is amazing. I’m glad you have guys like that that believe in you not only in music, but as a person too. Your most recent post includes that you’re dropping a tape along with some singles here pretty soon. Tell me about what will be included in all that. What vibes should we expect from you?

Joeyy: just a couple of new songs. I’m currently working on 2 projects one is already done and is dropping this month it’s called All Your Fault and I’m dropping the first single on December 6th, by birthday. And I have another surprise for the fans. And I’m starting the year off strong w the second tape which will be me and 22. But with the project I’m boutta drop I really wanna show ppl I’m not your average underground artist. I’m experimenting a lot on this new project. I’m taking a lot of risks. I feel like that’s what’s fun about music and other ppl are not doing what I do and that’s what the fans want and that’s what I want

EY: I’m looking forward to the future drops. Your music is truly one of a kind and I love how coherent you are with your thoughts. It makes the music so much more sense when listening to your music and how you portray yourself. What are some goals you have for yourself? Are you where you thought you’d be right now compared to this time last year? Where do you want yourself to be a year from today?

Joeyy: To be honest I’d lying to u if I said I thought i would still be here in 2022. But I’m just blessed God has been good to me and my fans are the best. They’re everything I could’ve asked for. In a year from now I definitely wanna have a festival or a tour under my belt. I love performing so much. And I just wanna keep applying pressure next year I’m aiming for 3 projects next year

EY: If you had any advice to give to up-and-coming artists, what would it be?

Joeyy: be you. Do it for you. That’s all


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