Cris Dinero’s Album “Requiem 4 A Dream” Picks Up Right Where He Left Off


Cris Dinero is a maestro with an abundance of talent to offer. His newest album Requiem 4 A Dream, picks up right where he left off with a technicolor approach to music. In just ten tracks, we hear a number of stylings, though the consistencies in Dinero‘s approach to music are something to pay attention to.

A heavy pitch-corrected set of vocals doesn’t mean that the melodies aren’t well thought out. Cris has the distinct ability to glide atop any set of production that he chooses. With assistance on instrumentation from Nuri, T99, Grimbrxzy, CGM, Kre8ore, Bhristo, Kele, ColdSummer, Okami, 4nghts, Sentro, we are walked through a spacely setting inside Cris‘ mind.

“Slide Thru” and “Lullabies” are personal favorites because of the kinetic energy created then followed by Cris‘ translucent vocals. Requiem 4 A Dream is one of those projects that possess a great deal of replay value and is a true collection of music to grow with. Cris is just getting warmed up, so peep the gas below.


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