Domo Genesis & Kay Franklin Put Their Own Spin On A West Coast Classic With “Nate Said”


Kay Franklin links with the good people at Facade Records for their smokey anthem entitled “Nate Said.” Facade consists of Domo Genesis and the powerful production duo, Mike N Keys. This is an obvious ode to the fallen legend Nate Dog and his incredibly memorable chorus from “So Fly”, a true 213 classic. Kay delivers a remarkable chorus with a stellar rendition of Nate‘s melodies throughout his verse.

Domo follows with his usual stoney skill-set that pairs quite well with the brimming bass line. Let’s not ever forget that this guy can rap because he delivers diverse tempos and precise annunciations to round out his 16. This is a solid collaboration on all fronts, from the vocal approach to the shining production. Enjoy the day, be blessed and wash your hands, stream the gas below.


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