Eric Penn Cannot Miss, Peep His Latest Cut “Seldom”


Eric has been on our pages the last few months and it’s not because of some fluke. There’s really talent there on so many levels and he continues to awe with his sound. “Seldom” is the third installment of releases from his Living Room Sessions EP and it rounds out the opus with a clean right hook.

The R&B critics of the world are always claiming that the genre is either dead or not flourishing, but Penn revitalizes the wave with ease. His subject matter comes from real experience and heartbreak. “Seldom” lies painted on the floor in a pool of brutal honesty and emotion.

With this momentum he’s built and coming off a crazy performance at Essence Fest, Penn is as focused as ever to keep going. His music is thoughtful and evokes the emotion of whoever takes the time to dive in. Do yourself a favor and tap into one of the best Penn‘s of this generation.


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