Listen to Every Track from #LFCM2 w/ GramFam & CHESS


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Last year, the members of DMV collectives GramFamCHESS let loose a series of new music from a handful of its members, naming the day #LFCM, or La Familia (the combination of both factions) Cyber Monday. This year, we get #LFCM2 which features seven hella dope new tracks from di guys including Matt McGhee, Poncho, Miles Meraki, Dizzy Gordo, Allen Le Grand, Knight and CJ.

Each artist brings something different to the table, and it’s their different styles that make La Familia such a strong grouping overall. These are some of the most talented guys from the DMV area, and you’ll be hearing a lot more from them in the future, so keep it locked for the new waves from ’em.

Catch every track from #LFCM2 below & enjoy!


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