$NOT & Wifisfuneral Steady The Scope On The Visuals For Their Smash “Beretta”


This cut has been blazing since the release a few months back, but now $NOT and Wifi link up to bring us the visuals for “Beretta”. These two Floridian legends both have the underground on lock, but will soon be on the mainstream stage in 2020. With production that boasts a west coast feel, both of these guys shine and prove their versatility. $NOT sets the stage while Wifi cleans up the rest, not an overall complicated path to success.  Wifi’s new project Ev3rthing Sucks is dropping next week and $NOT is going on tour with Jasiah next year. The grim video was directed by Omar Jones, but captivates in it’s minimal brilliance. On the other side of the coin, their future is bright, so don’t get left behind and we’ll talk to you soon.


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