Quin NFN Taps In With Lil 2z On Their Emphatic New Visuals For “Sewed Up”


This is another case of the energy that the music creates. It’s not about any gimmicks, beef, antics or internet opinions, Quin NFN is here with real heat for the people. This time around he’s linked with Lil 2z for these visuals entitled “Sewed Up”. The production by CIO Made The Track is what entices the ear at first, showcasing a brilliantly catchy sample. Then the drums come together in a genius manner, working together to curate a unique wave.

Quin is one of those cats who is overlooked despite his high quality of work. He’s really a diamond in the rough, but his mainstream look is right around the corner. Then Lil 2z‘s verse is solid to say the least, proving he can run with the big dogs. This is some gas and the video was directed by Dan2Thel, turning a basic home video shoot, into something vastly greater. Stay tuned for more from Quin, he’s always dropping good shit.


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