SoloSam Returns With A Dedication To The Doubters Called “Haters”


Sam is one of the best out of Chicago, simple and plain. However, for some strange reason, the masses haven’t caught on yet. Regardless we are gifted top-tier releases time and time again from Solo and this one is no different. With the production handled by our main character, we hear a side of Sam‘s percussive choices that we haven’t yet witnessed. There’s a vivacious hunger radiating off of Sam‘s tone. Then to meld this with the bass and translucent synths is nothing short of spectacular.

Solo has a real business with his music though. This man can sell out events and shows in Chicago within 1-2 days at most. The people radiate to this man because of not only his stellar music, but he moves how a rapper should move. Better yet a small business owner. Sam is focused on the details and fluidity of everything he does and that’s what makes his art special. Don’t be a fucking hater and peep “Haters” below.


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