Undiscovered Gems: Check Out Quail P and Dee Watkins’ Incredible “Charlamagne” Video


    Jacksonville is starting to really shine within Florida. With Dee Watkins, Foolio, and SpotemGottem leading the way, Quail P is here to remind us that he’s not only one of the best artists in Florida but that he’s also doing shit on his own terms. Today, Quail makes his way to the Chiefers pages with his incredible song and video to his new single, “Charlamagne,” featuring another amazing Florida rapper, Dee Watkins. On “Charlamagne,” you can tell Quail and Dee have that organic chemistry that you can’t teach, and the song just proves that notion. No telling when Quail P is planning on dropping a tape, but we’ll keep you posted. Check it out.


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