Wakai And Marco Plus Join Forces To Gift Us Their Visuals For “Silhouette”


Wakai and Marco are two leading forces in this new class of modern linguistic acrobatics. Their approach to music is still full of rich energy, but the calm and collected approach on “Silhouette” makes for a soothing spring experience. An appropriate setting to sit down and roll one, (Marco is ahead of the curve), and enjoy the moments we’re given.

This vintage, VHS-inspired look seems to be set in NYC perhaps, or another urban environment. Shot by NYE Moody and with some additional animation from Jennifer Andalib, this video is a great wave to unwind with. Plus the instrumentation and the gentle percussion, pitter-patters behind both of their stellar sermons, curating a lush, lucid setting in the sky. There’s a Marco Plus interview in our stash, we’re just waiting on the right time to drop it. So be on the look for that, and peep Wakai‘s most recent project To A Dark Boy, after you peep the gas below.


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