Candypaint Pairs With DotComNirvan For His Vivid Video Entitled “Raining”


Candypaint has been on the scene now for a minute, but by the looks of these visuals and the auditory attack, he’s here to make some real noise. In these introspective words that he preaches, Candypaint seems to have had an awakening. This isn’t to discredit the work he put in prior to this, his sound is more refined and he’s curating some momentous melodies. As he floats over this illustrious production provided by 5herrif, we are taken for a vivid ride through Paint’s head.

Pairing with the visionary DotComNirvan, we see this kid deliver his wave in a hypnotic and intoxicating setting. It seems as if some of the actual backdrop is reality and Nirvan added some obvious zest making it mesh so seamlessly you can’t tell what’s real versus editing. To see these two geniuses together, while both accenting each of their talents should give faith to those critics of this modern music. Pay attention to Candypaint and his marvelous art, it’s up from here.


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