DAESWORLD Tough Single “Ignorant” Goes Crazy


Dropping “Ignorant” almost two years ago, DAESWORLD could see viral success with this track soon. With artists blowing up due to snippets on TikTok, after doing some digging on DAEWORLD’s discography he is anything but a one hit wonder. Possessing a sound that is reminiscent of early SoundCloud XXX, DAESWORLD puts his own personality into every song separating himself from the rest. Starting the track off with a dark and aggressive flow to switching into a slowed down sound, right there the versatility shown in a song that is not even 2 minutes long is impressive. As someone who grew up in the prime of 2014-2018 SoundCloud, DAESWORLD’s sound is exactly what I look for and I wish this song blew up when it first dropped. 



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