Ezri Preaches His Raw Gospel In The Video For “Pray To Myself”


Ezri takes on some Detroit-inspired bass with his emphatic new video for “Pray To Myself”. Even though the hums of the percussion are brolic, Ezri is never intimidated and stays cool in the pocket. At first glance the title may be a bit off-putting, but as the song goes on it makes sense as to why Ezri feels this way. His unwavering confidence and faith in his talent make his story sick to watch.

Transferring talents in between acting and music can turn some wannabees into just that. This guy make serious plays on both sides, while still brewing a solid fan base. This direction was handled by J Doc and Ivan, while this wild percussive effort was wrecked by Sav. Shots in front of a church make for a stoic sense of power in Ezri and he’s not backing down anytime soon.


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