Frank Sativa And Tommy Richman Unveil Their Magnificent Collaboration Titled “Runnin Out Of Time”


This one has been teased on the TOK for some time now and it’s truly astonishing how well the snippet translated to the actual release. Both Frank and Tommy‘s musical abilities seem like they were sent from the technicolor time machine in the sky and “Runnin Out Of Time” is going to be cemented in your mind for a good minute after you delve in.

It’s funny how in these times of such brief validation, the tried and true artists who keep pushing seem to come out fine on the other side. To be able to tune out the noise and see what unbridled creativity resides within yourself is the real expression of pure emotion. No shades or facades, just honest music that blows the world away. Frank and Tommy did their shit to the utmost degree on this quote, unquote demo, so get familiar below.


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