Heath240 Breaks His Hiatus With The Soon To Be Smash “Ayudame”


Heath is obviously a strong favorite over here at Daily Chiefers, but his music is something to never sleep on. “Ayudame” is a culmination of life from Heath and he presents his stressors in an incredibly creative way. A balance of poignant feelings and subtle instrumentation to caress our auditory appetites.

In these frames that were self-directed by our protagonist, we see a pizza delivery boy drop off a Za at a house party. A pretty typical setting for a video, but from the framing to the lighting and even how the song accents each scene, you won’t be able to look away from the screen. A killer starts to take out his friends all while our boy is trying to smang a baddie. He gets away by the skin of his teeth, always fighting to live another day.

All of this is leading up to the release of his EP I Love Watering Dead Flowers. Essentially the theme of the opus is getting out of a relationship that you gave your all and where you go from there. Heath always provides a stellar set of frames and waves to match alongside. This young man will continue to be a true artist, not sacrificing who he is in the process. Do yourself a favor and peep the gas below.


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