Iamsu! – Hipster Girls [Video]


This seemingly made-for-summer type anthem from Iamsu’s 2013 release KILT II gets the next visual treatment release as October rolls on. The solid Aris Jerome “Hipster Girls” video accompaniment effort for the Richmond, CA emcee follows Su through a series of female representations that fit the mold for his opposite sex attractions. At times artfully corny, and maybe even a bit throwback 90s bubblegum pop in spirit, it is the verses of patched together bars with more than meets the ear that really demonstrate that Su can make any topic he tackles sound dope. It doesn’t hurt that Trackademics cooked up a riding, guitar-lead instrumental to back it all up. Regardless, in a visual climate stuck in a rut of hundreds being thrown over a rented Rolls, it’s refreshing to see something, really anything, that feels good and looks fresh doing it. I am ready to hear what the West Coast kid repping Heart Break Gang has next for us.


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