Nkosi Bourne Is Back In His “Final Form”


Nkosi is a talented creative hailing from Brooklyn and his confidence is authentic as ever on the mic. Though The subject matter of this one showcases the fact that even the best struggle to find their “Final Form”. One’s final form is the essence of clarity because you know that there is nothing stopping you from achieving your goals.

Bourne is just that, born ready for any task that the world might throw at him. After the release of his mixtape Glimpse, the fans were in need of a stellar follow-up. This wave quenches the auditory thirst and with each passing listen, a new fan is made. Nkosi possesses a very calm, stoic arrogance, but it’s in the best way. It comes from a true knowledge of self that few can possess.

Clean-cut music, with no frills, just talent. That’s Nkosi‘s bread and butter and he will continue to set the table for his team to feast from. A relaxed setting with an introspective approach to music and life alike. This one is special so peep it all below.


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